“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

Asus k50

Carcasa inferioara + Palmrest - 45 Ron
Tastatura (mp-07g73us-5283) lipsesc tastele "F1" si "F3" - 35 Ron
Mufa alimentre - 19 Ron
Mufe USB 2.0 - 10 Ron
Placa baza defecta (pentru piese) - 15 Ron
Touch pad + butoane - 10 Ron
Difuzoare - 20 Ron

Componentele se potrivesc pe mai multe modele ASUS cum ar fi:
K501 K50IJ K60 K60IJ K50AB K50AD K50AF CJA21

Contact 0740 97 58 92 sau YM

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